L. Tweedy, P.A. Thomason, P.I. Paschke, K. Martin, L.M. Machesky, M. Zagnoni, R.H. Insall, Seeing around corners: Cells solve mazes and respond at a distance using attractant breakdown, 9792 (2020).

During development and metastasis, cells migrate large distances through complex environments. Migration is often guided by chemotaxis, but simple chemoattractant gradients between a source and sink cannot direct cells over such ranges. We describe how self-generated gradients, created by cells locally degrading attractant, allow single cells to navigate long, tortuous paths and make accurate choices between live channels and dead ends. This allows cells to solve complex mazes efficiently. Cells’ accuracy at finding live channels was determined by attractant diffusivity, cell speed, and path complexity. Manipulating these parameters directed cells in mathematically predictable ways; specific combinations can even actively misdirect them. We propose that the length and complexity of many long-range migratory processes, including inflammation and germ cell migration, means that self-generated gradients are needed for successful navigation.


We found that cells using self-generated gradients could make accurate choices about paths they had not yet encountered.




Self-generated gradients promote long-range chemotaxis 长距离趋化

Chemotactic cells detect attractant gradients by comparing receptor occupancy at different places. Cells can resolve 1% differences between the occupancy at their fronts and rears, but this is only enough to navigate short distances. 细胞通过感受前后的浓度差来决定迁移方向
However, cells can make sharp, local gradients by breaking down attractants. 降解趋化因子能产生更陡峭的局部梯度
By contrast, the self-generated gradient gives robust chemotaxis throughout because the gradient is always sharp and local to the group of cells that makes it, resulting in a nonsaturating attractant concentration around the cells.

Self-generated gradients allow cells to make long-range route decisions 路径决策

For dynamic gradients such as self-generated gradients, diffusion is a key determinant. 通常的趋化性研究是基于一个静态的浓度梯度场,而self-generated gradients中扩散是一个关键因素。

In the static gradient, each cell chose a route randomly. The self-generated gradient, on the other hand, robustly directed equal numbers of cells into each branch. Stochastic variations were balanced out; branches containing more cells evolved shallower attractant gradients, so newly arriving cells were directed into the other branch.
If one of the branches was closed off from the reservoir (Fig. 1D), then the number of cells entering the closed branch was small because the first arrivals rapidly depleted the attractant and prevented further recruitment. 封闭分支中的趋化因子会被迅速消耗,从而阻止新的细胞进入。
The effect depended strongly on the length of the dead end. 效果取决于封闭路径的长度,

Self-generated gradients allow cells to navigate mazes


Accuracy of decisions is controlled by length and complexity of paths决策的准确性由路径长度和复杂性决定

设计了三种不同的迷宫”simple” mazes,”short” mazes,”long” mazes。利用两种细胞进行了测试:D. discoideum cells and mouse pancreatic cancer cells






The persistent, random element comes from drawing a new direction at each step from wrapped normal distribution centered on the current direction of motion. The attractant gradient direction was estimated from grid points that overlapped the cell (all those grid points within 6 mm of the cell centroid) and used to generate a bias vector. The bias vector was added to the persistent, randomvector to choose a final direction of motion, and the cell moved in this direction at its current speed unless it collided with a wall, in which case its movement distance was reduced.
扩散使用semi-implicit DuFort-Frankel method,用Java.Diffusion写成。细胞模拟采用基于agent的模型。每次运动以细胞当前方向为中心,用warpped normal distribution产生一组方向向量,再叠加6μm内的梯度方向产生的偏置向量,得到总的方向向量,用来选择移动方向。