M. Wang, N. Yang, A review of bioregulatory and coupled mechanobioregulatory mathematical models for secondary fracture healing, Med. Eng. Phys. 48 (2017) 90–102.
Monan Wang: Mechanical & Power Engineering College, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China
- The bone healing biology and biochemical signals (growth factors and oxygen) that has been established in the previous mathematical models.
- The current bioregulatory and coupled mechanobioregulatory healing models. Their modeling process, actual mathematical models and their advantages and disadvantages are outlined.
- The limitations of these current healing models and focused on the future trend of mathematical healing models and their potential contributions to real world clinical applications.
In the US, the cost of osteoporosis related fractures reached 17 billion dollars in 2005 and it is estimated that by 2025, the annual costs will rise by 50%.
The role of biochemical signals in fracture healing
Primary healing and secondary healing are known as two healing types according to their difference in gap size. 骨折间隙较小时发生primary healing,secondary healing持续时间更长,过程也更复杂,本文主要关注secondary healing.
From a temporal point of view, the healing process is generally divided into the following four phases: the inflammatory phase, the soft callus phase, the hard callus phase and the remodeling phase.
- Inflammatory phase: 相关生长因子包括 interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), transforming growth factors-betas (TGF-s), platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). 间充质干细胞开始从周围骨膜中迁移到这一区域,形成愈伤组织
- Soft callus phase: 间充质干细胞根据生长因子、血管和氧条件开始分化,分为两种情况:1. 膜内骨化ossification 靠近皮质骨部分氧和营养供应充足,MSC直接分化为成骨细胞,形成编织骨(woven bone)。2. 软骨形成 chondrogenesis 骨折中心区域血管受损氧含量低,间充质细胞分化为软骨细胞。
- Hard callus phase: 发生软骨内骨化 endochondral ossification
- Modeling phase: 编织骨被层状骨替代,多余的愈伤组织被吸收
生化信号 | 功能 | 参与阶段 |
TGF-β | -对巨噬细胞最有效的化学吸引剂 | -在炎症期微弱表达 |
-促进间充质干细胞向软骨细胞或成骨细胞的分化 | -在软愈伤组织阶段强烈表达 | |
-调节软骨基质的钙化并刺激成骨细胞活动 | -在硬愈伤组织阶段强烈表达 | |
-抑制成骨细胞的分化和矿化 | ||
-抑制成骨细胞的产生和活性 | ||
-增加骨骼和软骨的产生 | ||
PDGFs | -开始骨折修复和骨愈伤组织形成 | -在炎症期微弱表达 |
-刺激间充质干细胞增殖 | -在软愈伤组织阶段强烈表达 | |
-促进软骨形成和膜内骨化的过程 | -在硬愈伤组织阶段强烈表达 | |
-促进结缔组织细胞的增殖 | ||
-刺激I型胶原蛋白并调节血流量 | ||
BMPs | -激活骨祖细胞的分化,上调成骨细胞的增殖 | -在炎症期表达 |
-调节间充质干细胞分化为成骨细胞和软骨细胞 | -在软愈伤组织阶段表达 | |
-促进或阻碍血管生成 | -在硬愈伤组织阶段表达 | |
FGFs | -促进血管生成的形成 | -在炎症期表达 |
-一种软骨细胞的趋化剂和有丝分裂原,并调节分化 | -在软愈伤组织阶段表达 | |
-在硬愈伤组织阶段表达 | ||
IGFs | -促进骨祖细胞的增殖 | -在软愈伤组织阶段表达 |
-促进软骨基质的合成 | -在重塑阶段表达 | |
-帮助骨骼的形成;调节破骨细胞的功能 | ||
-促进血管生成 | ||
VEGF | -上调血管新生并促进内皮细胞增殖 | -在软愈伤组织阶段表达 |
-在硬愈伤组织阶段表达 | ||
氧 | -为细胞活动产生ATP | -在炎症期表达 |
-对酶活性很重要 | -在软愈伤组织阶段表达 | |
-调节血管生成并促进骨再生 | -在硬愈伤组织阶段表达 | |
-对细胞增殖和分化很重要 | -在重塑阶段表达 |
Mathematical healing models regulated by biochemical signals
The first mathematical healing model regulated by growth factors was presented by Bailón-Plaza and van der Meulen.[1]
Geris et al. [2] made some extensions based on the model presented by Bailón-Plaza and van der Meulen.
但是,这里的血管生成是用连续的数学模型模拟的,不符合血管离散的性质,因此Peiffer [3]
The major advantage of this model is that angiogenesis can be corroborated by comparison with experimental observations. However, the angiogenesis process was still simulated in a phenomenological way.
Carlier [4] [5]提出了新的多尺度的数学模型来描述的生物化学信号(生长因子和氧)、细胞和血管之间的相互作用。
在intracellular层面,考虑了VEGFR-2, Notch1, DII4, active VEGFR-2, active Notch1, effective active VEGFR-2, effective active Notch1 and actin对内皮细胞生长的影响。在cellular层面,模拟了血管网的分芽、生长和吻合。在tissue层面,对骨折愈合中的膜内骨化和软骨内骨化进行了建模。
Bailón-Plaza和van der Meulen [6]将机械刺激的影响加入之前提出的生长因子调控模型[1]中 。They used deviatoric strains and dilatational strains as the mechanical stimuli on the ossification. Through a comparison with in vivo experiments [7], the simulation results showed that moderate, early loading and delayed or excessive loading had beneficial or adverse effects on the bone healing, respectively.
Geris等开发了一个数学建模框架[8],将机械刺激的影响纳入了生物调节模型[2]。Mechanical stimuli were integrated as parametric values into mechanical dependent activities such as angiogenesis, matrix and growth factor production, and cell proliferation and differentiation.
Challenges and current limitations of mathematical healing models
在目前的模型中,chondrogenic growth factors用于调节间充质干细胞分化为软骨细胞,osteogenic growth factors用于调节间充质干细胞向成骨细胞的分化以及软骨内成骨细胞代替软骨细胞,Vascular endothelial growth factor 用于调节血管的形成。但是,有很多生长因子参与骨折愈合过程,并且这些因子并非彼此独立。不同生长因子之间的相互作用未纳入现有模型。
另外,现有模型中不包括不同细胞的许多瞬时状态。例如间充质干细胞的成骨分化经历了许多中间状态: osteoprogenitors, pre-osteoblasts, transitory osteoblasts, secretory osteoblasts and osteocytes。在体内,不同的细胞状态在骨折愈合过程中具有独特的功能。因此,有必要对这些中间单元状态进行建模。此外,缺乏中间细胞状态可能是与实验观察结果相比在数学模型中观察到更短愈合时间的原因之一。
Future aims and requirements of mathematical healing models
[1] A. Bailon-Plaza, M.C. van der Meulen, A mathematical framework to study the effects of growth factor influences on fracture healing, J Theor Biol, 212 (2) (2001), pp. 191-209
[2] L. Geris, A. Gerisch, J.V. Sloten, R. Weiner, H.V. Oosterwyck, Angiogenesis in bone fracture healing: a bioregulatory model, J Theor Biol, 251 (1) (2008), pp. 137-158
[3] V. Peiffer, A. Gerisch, D. Vandepitter, H. Van Osterwyck, L. Geris, A hybrid bioregulatory model of angiogenesis during bone fracture healing, Biomech Model Mechanobiol, 10 (3) (2011), pp. 383-395
[4] A. Carlier, L. Geris, K. Bentley, G. Carmeliet, P. Carmeliet, H. Van Oosterwyck, Mosaic: a multiscale model of osteogenesis and sprouting angiogenesis with lateral inhibition of endothelial cells, PLoS Comput Biol, 8 (10) (2012), p. e1002724
[5] A. Carlier, L. Geris, N. van Gastel, G. Carmeliet, H. Van Oosterwyck, Oxygen as a critical determinant of bone fracture healing-a multiscale model, J Theor Biol, 365 (2015), pp. 247-264
[6] A. Bailn-Plaza, M. van der Meulen, Beneficial effects of moderate, early loading and adverse effects of delayed or excessive loading on bone healing, J Biomech, 36 (8) (2003), pp. 1069-1077
[7] A.E. Goodship, J. Kenwright, The influence of induced micromovement upon the healing of experimental tibial fractures, J Bone Joint Surg Br, 67 (4) (1985), pp. 650-655
[8] L. Geris, J.V. Sloten, H. Van Oosterwyck, Connecting biology and mechanics in fracture healing: an integrated mathematical modeling framework for the study of nonunions, Biomech Model Mechanobiol, 9 (6) (2010), pp. 713-724